所谓请求权竞合 ,系因同一生活利益同时为不同法律关系的客体所涵摄 ,从而引起的数个具有不同客体、不同规范目的的责任关系的竞合。作为民事权利体系之枢纽的请求权概念 ,一方面对其所包含的“给付”究指法律关系内容意义上的给付抑或客体意义上的给付不加区辨 ;另一方面 ,以权利人指向国家的“司法保护要求权”作为请求权的本质属性 ,对实体法学、诉讼法学均产生错误影响。由其目标功能所决定 ,诉讼标的在结构上须同时包含“责任关系”与“接受权内容之主张”两重要素。在责任竞合情况下 ,可以利用“诉之利益”达成纷争解决一次性的目标。
As the hub of the civil rights system, the concept of claim, on the one hand, do not distinguish two performances of content meaning or object meaning in the legal relations; on the other hand, influence the substantive jurisdiction and litigation jurisdiction as the nature of obligee's claim is the demand for the judicial protection of state. Decided by its goal function, the litigation object should include two factors of the duty relation and the demand for the content for acceptance at the same time. In the situations of duty concurrence, the disputes can be settled through the interests of litigation.
Law Science (Journal of Northwest Institute University of Politics and Law)