据统计,目前在中国大陆的非公有制经济中,家族式经营的企业至少占到了90%以上。这些家族企业大多是在20世纪80年代前后开始成长起来的,20载似水流年,当年的创业者现大多已两鬓染霜,于是,许多家族企业开始考虑向下一代交权。 中国有句老话叫“富不过三代”。而国外一些专业研究机构的研究结果也证实了这一点。根据美国布鲁克林家族企业学院的研究,约有70%的家族企业未能传到下一代,88%的家族企业未能传到第三代,只有3%的家族企业在第四代后还在经营。家族企业准备将权力从一代传给下一代之际,正是其最容易受伤之时。交接班中一旦出现失误,往往会导致家族失去其对公司的控制权。家族企业不能几代相传的原因虽然很多,但一个最直接的原因就是接班人问题。从接班人的选拔、培养,到权力的顺利交接,这中间有着很深的学问。下面就是家族企业交接班中应注意的几个问题。
According to statistics, 90% percent of the non-state-owned enterprises are family businesses. Most of these businesses developed in the 1980s. 20 years later, the founders of these family businesses are retiring. Now it is time to transfer the businesses to the next generation. China has a saying that 'Prosperity can't last for more than 3 generations in a wealthy family.' The analysis of many foreign research organizations confirms this view. Family businesses are very vulnerable during the transition of power. It is very easy to lose control of the business during this process. Although there are many reasons that family businesses can't maintain a fortune for many generations, one of the most direct reasons is the failure to choose the right heir to manage the business.
It is a great challenge to choose, and train the right heir and transfer the enterprise to him or her.
International Talent