伪译和真正的翻译(genuine translations)之间只存在名义上的借用关系,伪著和真正的翻译之间则存在事实上的借用关系.它们的产生都植根于特定的文化历史情境和政治需求,充分折射出身处其中的个人和社会对翻译在当时所扮演的角色和功能的认定和盗用.晚清伪译和伪著的产生有着特定的历史文化语境,和特定的意识形态和诗学成规紧密相连.它们都服务于同一个目的:以各种面貌积极地参与主体文化文学的演进.
Pseudo translations are just nominal appropriation of the corresponding genuine translations, while pseudo writings are factual usurpation of the corresponding genuine ones. Their production is culturally determined, with specific history and ideology on agenda. Pseudo translations and pseudo writings within a particular society fully bear out its penchant for translating and appropriation of translations, an evidence that the society and individuals affirm and collude with the role and function played by translations. Pseudo translations and pseudo writings in late Qing dynasty have particular historical and cultural context, closely associated with current ideological and poetic norms particular to late Qing. Both function as participation of one form or another in the evolution of receptive culture and literature.
Comparative Literature in China