回顾性分析35例房颤病例 f 波振幅与左房内径关系。取心电图 V_1导联3—4个心动周期 f 波振幅的平均值,≥1mm 为粗大 f 波、<1mm 为细小 f 波。左房大小取决于二维心超收缩末期左房前后径,>40mm 者属左房增大。结果表明,风心病(8/15)出现粗大 f 波,(12/15)左房增大(r=-0.00176);冠心病(6/15)出现粗大 f 波,(8/15)左房增大(r=-0.1275);其他心脏病粗大 f 波与左房增大率均为(3/5)(r=0.0627)。粗大 f 波在风心病和冠心病患者中发生率的 P 值>0.1,无统计学意义。认为房颤 f 波振幅与房颤病因、左房内径无相关性。
A retroseptive correlative study was made on 35 cases of atrial fibrillation f wave amplitudes and left
atrial internal diameters.The mean value of f wave amplitude during 3—4 cycles,was taken from lead V_t
of the ECG.The end point of the“coarse”f wave was >1mm,while that of the“fine”f wave was <1
mm.Two dimensional echocardiogram was used to measure the anterio-posterier left atrial end systolic di-
ameter.Left atrial enlargement was considered when the diameter equalled or exceeded 40 mm.The results
showed that in the case of RHD(8/15)the f waves were“coarse”, with enlargement of the left atrium
(12/15)(r=-0. 0176).Six out of 15 cases of CAD,“saw coarse”f wave,and 8 showed left atrial en-
largement(r=-0.1375).Three of 5 cases other than RHD and CAD demonstrated coarse f waves and left
atrial enlargement(r=0.0627).The comparasion between the incidence of“coarse”f wave and mean left
atrial enlargmenet in RHD and CAD revealed no statistical significance.It could be thus concluded that the
f wave size heared no relationship to either the etiogenesis of atrial fibrillation or left atrial size.
Journal of Electrocardiology(China)