目的 探讨有机磷农药的临床特点及治疗情。方法 对 81例有机磷患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 81例中 19例处于中、深度昏迷 ,多数都在口服 6h以上才入院 ,大多数患者都无法详细追问到确切服药的剂量 ,12例发生肺水肿及呼吸衰竭 ,2 7例发生应激性胃粘膜病变 ,表现不同程度呕吐咖啡样胃内容物 ,解柏油样大便。结论 有机磷农药中毒时 ,阿托品及解磷定的正确使用在治疗及预后起着关键作用。
Objective To inquired into clinical characteristics and treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning. Methods The clinical data of 81 cases with organophosphate poisoning were analyzed retrospectively. Results 19 case are moderate or depth exanimation, most of them were in hospital 6 hours after poisoning, and the dosage of organophosphorus pesticide is usually unknown. Pulmonary edema and respiratory failure were appeared in 12 cases. 27 patients have stress gastric mucosa lesion. Their cardinal symptoms were coffee-like vomit and tarry stools.Conclusions The correct usage of atropin and pralidoxime is the key of the treatment.
Applied Journal Of General Practice