为探讨三七Panaxnotogingseng愈伤组织快速高效的诱导和增殖 ,以三七茎段为外植体 ,进行了 5组培养基的对比研究 :(1)MS +2 ,4 D 2mg/L(CK) ;(2 )MS +2 ,4 D 2mg/L +N6 BA 2mg/L ;(3)MS +2 ,4 D 2mg/L +KT 2mg/L ;(4)MS +2 ,4 D 2mg/L +ZT 2mg/L ;(5 )MS +2 ,4 D 2mg/L +LFS 2mg/L。结果表明 :1 在CK的基础上添加灵发素 (LFS) ,可以促进茎段愈伤组织早发生 1~ 2周 ,诱导率达 81% ,比CK高出 30 %以上 ,而N6 BA、KT和ZT作用不明显。 2 LFS能使愈伤组织的鲜重在 4 0d内增加 36 0 2 % ,而KT、ZT和N6 BA仅增加 13 4 %~ 2 1 8%。以平均接种1g愈伤组织计 ,4 0d内含LFS的第 (5 )组收获干物质 81 5mg ,另 4组只收 2 1 6~ 2 5 9mg。 3 LFS可以使愈伤组织继代保存 3年以上未表现老化 ,一直保持增殖能力。
In order to explore quick, efficient inducement and proliferation of Panax notogingseng callus, the stem sections were taken as explants in the following 5 groups of medium:①MS+2,4-D 2 mg/L(CK),②MS+2,4-D 2 mg/L+N6-BA 2 mg/L,③MS+2,4-D 2 mg/L+KT 2 mg/L,④MS+2,4-D 2 mg/L+ZT 2 mg/L,⑤MS+2,4-D 2mg/L+LFS 2 mg/L. The results showed: 1.LFS (Lingfasu, a new kind of CTK)was able to promote the callus formation earlier 1~2 week than CK and to raise the rate of induced callus as high as 81%, higher 30% than that on other 4 mediums; 2.On medium ⑤, the fresh weight of callus increased 360.2% after being cultured 40d, on other 4 mediums increased only 13.4%~21.8%. At the same time, l g callus cultured 40d could obtain dry material 81.5 mg on medium ⑤, but on other 4 mediums only 21.5~25.9 mg; 3. The callus cultured on medium ⑤ continual generation to generation could live as long as more than 3 years, on other 4 mediums the callus hardened and aged quickly.
Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials
广西教育厅植物学硕士点重点建设项目资助 (D10 0 8)