用三种抗真菌药物霉病力克、酮康唑、硫酸铜对患有鳃霉病的鲤鱼进行浸泡治疗 ,每天早晚各一次 ,浸泡一周。同时用间接免疫荧光法 (IIF)观察霉菌孢子在鱼体上皮细胞 (FEC)粘附情况 ,用电泳法分析霉菌孢子内的生化反应。结果显示 ,用霉病力克处理组效果最好 。
This paper describes our study of carp which had cought Branchiomyces disease were soaked by Meibinlike.Fluconazole CuSO 4 solution two times everyday in a week we used IIF-method observing the FEC situation by Branchiomyces spore sticking,We get the result:When we used Meibinlike and fluconazole on fish Branchiomyces on fish skin disappeared completely.The sticking strength of Branchiomyces spore were apparently reduced.Biochemical reaction were blocked.This result tell us that Meibinlike has the best ability that struggles Branchiomyeces and blocks its spore sticking.lt's worthful that Branchiomyces and blocks its spore sticking,it's worthful that spread it over aquaculture.