
儿童动态随机点立体图视觉诱发电位研究 被引量:25

The sutdy on the VEP elicited by dynamic random dot stereopsis in children
摘要 目的 探讨儿童立体视觉发育规律和神经反应特性。方法 对心理物理学检查立体视功能正常的 15名成人和 2 6名儿童 (按年龄分为 5~ 8岁组和 9~ 12岁组 ) ,采用动态随机点立体图做为视觉刺激 ,记录其立体视觉诱发电位 ,并进行对比分析。结果 儿童双眼接受不同大小视差的立体刺激后与成人一样 ,均可见一恒定的负正复合波 ,负波位于 12 0~ 2 40ms之间 ,其后的正波位于 180~ 3 40ms之间 ,但 5~ 8岁组儿童正波的潜伏期比成人组延长 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而振幅没有明显差异 ;9~12岁组和成人组相比无论潜伏期还是振幅均没有明显差异。结论  5~ 8岁儿童对立体刺激的神经电生理反应时间较成人长 ,推测该年龄段儿童的立体视觉尚未发育成熟到成人水平 ;而 9~ 12岁儿童对立体刺激的神经电生理反应时间与成人相近 ,表明儿童立体视觉发育成熟期约在 9~ 12岁之间。 Objective To evaluate the characteristics of neuro-physiology and the course of development of stereopsis in children.Methods 26 stereo-normal children(was divided into two groups,the age of one group was 5~8,another group was 9~12)and 15 adults were recorded with the VEP elicited by dynamic random dot stereopsis.Results A negative-positive wave complex was observed in all of children and adults with different degress of disparity stimulation.The negative wave was at about 120~240ms and positive wave was at about 180~340ms.The latency of positive wave in children whose age was 5~8 were always longer than that of adults,while the amplitude of positive wave between this group and adults were not significantly different.Furthermore,there was no significant difference between group whose age was 9~12 and adults either for latency or for amplitude.Conclusions The feature of the longer neuro-physiological processing in children whose age was 5~8 might be due to developmental immaturity of stereopsis in children.The stereopsis of children whose age was 9~12 has reached the level of adults.
机构地区 天津市眼科医院
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期106-108,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
关键词 儿童 动态随机点立体图 视觉诱发电位 立体视觉 神经电生理反应 Stereopsis VEP Dynamic random dot streopsis Children
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