SARS属中医“瘟疫”范畴。中药是以药性之偏来纠正人体之阴阳偏盛或偏衰 ,所以无论治疗还是预防用药 ,均应遵循中医学的因地、因时、因人制宜的辨证思想 ;并针对高危人群提出医护人员应当固护精气、老人注重补肾的预防用药思路。我们认为 ,清热解毒法为治疫常法 ,而非防疫常法 。
SARS is thought to be an epidemic disease in TCM. TCM uses it's part ial to correct human body's yin yang ups and downs, so when we select drugs to t reat or prevent SARS,we should abide by treatment chosen according to the varia bility of climate, locality, and the physique of an individual. Doctors should h elp those persons at high risk to protect their vital essence, and advise the ol d to consolidate their renal essence. Clear away heat and toxic material s is a regular method in treating SARS,but it isn't the normal method in preven ting SARS. To prevent SARS, selection of drugs should be based on the differenti ation of symptoms and signs.
Medicine and Philosophy