高科技医疗技术 ,如试管受精技术在医疗实践中往往引发伦理原则之间的冲突。通过对英国一试管受精案例的分析 ,展示自主性原则与公正原则之间存在的深层张力。在对两个基本范畴作哲学解析的基础上 ,寻找两个基本原则的契合点 。
High technology, such as In Vertu Fertilization, always arouse the co nflictions among ethics principles.To explore the deep tension between the principles of autonomy and justice, through at the analyzing a case of IVF in British . On the basis of philosophical explanation of two basic categ ories, to look for a coincidence of two basic principles, and provide a possible way to solve the similar ethics dilemma.
Medicine and Philosophy