采用美国MapInfo公司开发的地理信息系统 (GIS)生成全局监控多层矢量电子海图 ,并结合GPS导航技术 ,开发了相应的监控程序和通讯服务程序 ,对航行船舶进行动态监控 ,实现船舶的避碰。本文详细阐述了船舶避碰系统的总体组成 ,探讨了用VB和动态数据交换 (DDE)技术实现船舶的定位及GSP系统与MapInfo接口通讯的具体方法 。
In the paper,a overall monitoring multi -layer vector electronic nautic al chart generated by use of the Geography Information System(GIS)of MapInfo is presented,and the relevant monitor program and communication service program are developed in combination with GPS technique.The system can be used to dynamical ly monitor ship's navigation and to prevent ship collision.Also,the overall conf iguration of the ship collision-avoidance system is described in detail,and it is discussed to use VB and dynamic data exchange(DDE)technique to accomplish shi p positioning and communication between GPS system and the interface of MapInfo, hence the problem that MapBasic can not access the serial communication interfac e is overcome.
Ship Engineering