
基于实体的注射成型流动模拟 被引量:3

Flow simulation for injection molding based on solid model
摘要 提出了应用中面模型技术模拟实体模型的注射成型流动过程的新方法。对实体模型的表面进行二维网格划分,将结点在厚度方向上配对,配对点之间添加虚拟热流道单元,建立二维有限元分析的网格模型。将Hele-Shaw流动应用于非等温条件下的粘性、不可压缩流体,建立基于中面模型流动分析的数学模型,用充填因子的输运方程描述流动前沿。用有限元计算充填过程的压力场,有限差分计算温度场,高阶的Taylor展开式计算每一时间步长的充填因子。针对Han设计的试验模具,用相同的材料及工艺条件,比较中面模型和实体模型的模拟结果。算例分析表明,这种方法可以有效地模拟基于实体模型的注射成型流动过程。 A new method is proposed for the flow simulation of injection molding based on solid model by applying mid-plane technique. The two dimensional mesh is constructed by meshing the solid surfaces, coupling the nodes along the thickness direction and adding the imaginary hot runners to connect the coupling nodes. The mathematics model for mid-plane flow analysis is in terms of generalized Hele-Shaw flow for the viscous, incompressibility, non-Newtonian fluid under non-isothermal conditions in the present investigation. The moving fluid description is transformed into a transport equation about fill factor in the whole domain to be filled. The pressure field is obtained by the finite element method, the temperature field is determined by the finite difference method and the fill factor is calculated by high order Taylor expansion at each time-step. The technology keeps the flows in the surfaces at the same section coordinative. It combines the reliability of mid-plane and the convenience of CAD. Most importantly, the conventional CAE can be integrated with CAD tools by the technology without fissure. For verification of the numerical results obtained from the developed program, the simulation results are compared with the experimental results obtained from the test mold set designed by Han in the current study using the same commercial-grade PP and process conditions as Han. Comparisons are also carried out between mid-plane and solid model. Based on the comparisons, it is found that the currently method is useful for simulations of flow in injection molding based on solid model.
作者 曹伟 申长雨
出处 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期115-120,共6页 Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics
关键词 注射成型 流体力学 不可压缩流体 Hele-Shaw流动 有限元 TAYLOR展开 中面模型 温度场 viscous and incompressible fluid mid-plane model solid model hele-Shaw flow finite element taylor expansion
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