MicroPLC100微型可编程逻辑控制器CPU模块以ADμC812为核心,增设有可控制I2C总线扩展模块接口,存储器类型按照Keil C51定义。其软件系统含上位PC机MicroPLC100编程系统和下位MCU系统程序,并嵌入支持Modbus RTU通信协议命令,用于访问MicroPLC100各寄存器。通信口操作遵循Modbus控制协议,采用RTU传输模式。用户可用梯形图、语句表、汇编/高级语言等编写应用程序。
ADμC812 is used as the core of CPU module of MicroPLC100 Micro Programmable Logical Controller, and it is added controllable I2C Bus extended module interface. The type of memory is defined according to the Keil C51. The software contains the MicroPLC100 programming system and MCU system program. Embedded command that supports Modbus RTU communications protocol is used as to access each register of MicroPLC100. RTU transport mode is applied in communication operation keeping to Modbus control protocol. Application can be compile by user using LAD, STL, assemble language and C51 high level language.
Ordnance Industry Automation