重点从树立全新建设理念、路地共建绿色通道、带动产业结构调整和永久保持绿化成果等 4个方面 ,论述建设胶新铁路绿色通道的方案构思与实践 ,得到地方政府大力支持 ,受到有关专家的高度评价。方案首创生态林、经济林与生物技术工程防护相结合的新方法 ,体现路地共建的新思路 ,形成国内首条环境优美的铁路大型绿色风景线。
A presentation is given of the concept and practice of building Jiaozhou Xinyi Railway into a green corridor from four aspects: setting up new construction concept; building green corridor by both railway departments and local authorities; bringing along the industrial restructure; and preserving achievements obtained in forestations. The concept put forward for the first time the method combining ecological forest, commercial forest, and biotechnology engineering protection,creating the first green railway corridor in China.
Railway Standard Design