在距今 50 0 0年左右的新石器晚期 ,福建原始农业始出现 ;在距今 30 0 0年左右的西周时期刀耕火种型的农业经济始占主导地位 ,西汉早期仅在靠近内地的闽北和政治中心的闽江下游地区才发展为锄耕和犁耕农业。福建的农业经济长时期落后于周边地区 ,与其独特的生态环境和独立的地理单元存在密切关系 ,六朝时期随着北方汉人的迁入 ,封闭的地理单元被打破 ,当地的农业经济形态才逐渐缩小与内地的差距。
Primitive agriculture of Fujian emerged around 5000B.P in the late Neo lithic Age.In the Western Zhou Dynasty did the ‘slash and burn’ farming method became dominant.The hoeing and ploughing method existed in the north of Fujian and its political centre_downstream of Minjiang in the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty. Because of the special environment and the isolated location, Fujia n agriculture lagged behind its neighboring areas. It was in the Six Dynasty tha t Fujian narrowed the gap, thanks to the migration of the northern Han people in to Fujian.
Agricultural History of China