目的 为了解湖南省 2 0 0 2年实现消除碘缺乏病阶段目标后碘缺乏病防治工作情况。 方法 按照卫生部下发的《全国第四次碘缺乏病监测方案实施意见》要求进行。 结果 居民盐碘均值 3 1.8mg kg ,合格碘盐食用率92 .6% ,碘盐覆盖率 97.8% ,8~ 10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率 3 .2 % ,IQ≤ 69为 7.4% ,尿碘中位数为 191.0ug L ,无 <5 0 μg L份数 ;智商值 92 .12。健康教育效果评价结果 5年级学生组平均分为 62 .0分 ,育龄妇女组平均分为 69.7分。 结论 监测数据表明湖南省已消除碘缺乏病。
Objective To explore the preventive state for IDD after stage goal of elimination of IDD had been achieved in Hunan Province by 2002. Methods IDD monitor was carried out according to 'Plan of the Fourth National IDD Monitor Project' issued by Ministry of Heath,PRC. Result The mean of salt iodine was 31.8mg/kg, the consumption rate of qualified iodized salt was 97.8% in residents home. On average, the prevalene of goiter among schoolchildren aged 8~10 was 3.2% , the median concentration of iodine in urine was 191.0 μg/L, and average IQ was 92.12. Health education score were 62.0 in the group of fifth grade student and 69.7 in group of women at pregnant age. Conclusion IDD has been virtually eliminated in Hunan Province.The salt iodization program initated in 1996 is sustainable.
Practical Preventive Medicine