高校的课程改革是提高人才培养质量的关键。本文讨论了学分制实施过程中课程体系、课程设置、课程建设、选课管理等方面的改革 ;介绍了国外高校课程改革的趋势 ,并提出了学分制下课程体系设置的建议 ,以及当今社会对本科生科学素养与人文培养并重的要求。
This paper discusses the reformation of curricula structure, undergraduate program, curricula construction and course selection principles in universities. The currency of curricula reformation in western countries is introduced. The suggestions of curricula construction under new educational system are also given, in order to strike a balance between the technical sophistication and the social and cultural breadth demanded of undergraduates in modern society.
Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(Social Sciences Edition)