Shengli Oilfield is the second biggest oilfield inChina. It has a specialized drilling service team calledSDDC. Integrated with drilling engineering research& technical services, engineering design, directionaldrilling tool development, maintenance andcalibration, as well as technical training, SDDC
Shengli Oilfield is the second biggest oilfield in China. It has aspecialized drilling service team called SDDC. Integrated with drilling engineering research &technical services, engineering design, directional drilling tool development, maintenance andcalibration, as well as technical training, SDDC is one of the leading specialized directionaldrilling groups in both China and Asia. SDDC can provide well planning and well-site operation fordirectional well, horizontal well and other special varieties. On June 28th, 1997, SDDC was awardedthe ISO9001 Quality Authentication issued by China Classification Society Quality Assurance Ltd.Since the first directional XIN 11-XIE 33 was successfully completed in 1973, SDDC has been involvedin various drilling services for a total of 4, 100 plus wells, which include directional well,cluster well, extended-reach well, re-entry well and over 220 horizontal wells. Until now, the totalamount of directional and horizontal wells completed by SDDC is still a far-to-reach record inChina. At present, SDDC is equipped with the capability of drilling 500 directional and horizontalwells annually and capable of providing site services to 50 rigs simultaneously.