目前,研究型课程的构建、实施和研究性学习的推进,成了各所普通中学课程改革的一个重要内容。但是,随着 研究性学习的深入,我们发现,在研究型课程的实施过程中,出现了一些应该引起我们更多关注、并须加以认真研讨的问 题,如:研究型课程的实施途径问题、网络背景下学生的自主学习与研究、课题的指导问题、对教师、学校的要求问题等。
The construction and implement of researching courses and the development of researching study has he-come important part of course reform in middle schools. But with the development of researching study, and in the implement of researching courses, some problems come forth for more attention and serious discussion, such as the ways of implement, students' self-determining learning and study in the net situation, instruction of tasks and requirements to teachers and the schools.
Journal of First Teachers College of Hunan