行政实践中存在着行政程序违法、行政程序不当和行政程序错误等情形 ,这些情形可统称为行政程序瑕疵。基于程序的独立性和程序权利义务的独立性 ,应独立地认定具有行政程序瑕疵的行政行为的法律效力并给予行政内救济、行政诉讼、行政赔偿三种途径的法律规制。
Transgression,impropriety and mistake of administrative procedure have been existing in administrative activities.These troubles can be called the blemish of administrative procedure by a joint name.Based on independency of administrative procedure and the one of right and incumbency of procedure,legal effcet of administrative action provided with the blemish of administrative procedure should be independently affirmed and then administrative remedy,litigation and recompense should be correspondently given.
Journal of Guangdong Institute of Public Administration