法官与当事人的权利配置可以说是在追求民事审判的公正与效率的道路上必须妥善解决的一个重要问题。在一些国外的民事审判程序中 ,有的过多偏重于当事人一方权利的保护 ,也有的过多偏重于法官职权的实现。通过对这些不当程序的分析 ,笔者认为 ,民事审判程序中最佳的法官与当事人权利配置原则是把程序的启动权归属当事人 ,把程序的调控权归属法官。当然 ,要在司法实践中实现和贯彻这一切原则 。
The problem on collocating of right between judges and parties in civil proceedings is one of the most important questions to be resolved properly for seeking after the justice and efficiency.In the civil proceedings overseas,sone of then lay particular stress on protection of the parties' right,while others emphasize more on realizing the judges' right.By the analysis of these unsuitable proceedings,the author consider that the best way to resolve this problen is enduring the parties with right of startup proceedings and enduring the judges with right of controlling proceedings.Of course,this is just a basic principle.To carrying it out still needs conception changing and a series of reformation measures.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law