本文从各国对待非法获得的言词证据与实物证据之证据能力的不同态度出发 ,考察了在非法获得的实物证据之证据能力问题上具有代表性的国家的法律规定及实践做法 ,分析了背后蕴涵的理念基础 ,从而 ,力图为我国在非法获得的实物证据取舍方面寻找合理又合情的理论基础 ,并对具体制度的建立提出建议。
According to the different attitudes of several typical countries to the admissibility of testimonial and real,documentary evidence,this article discusses statutes and practices in these countries and analyzes fundamental theory bihind them.And try to supply reasonable and appropriate theories on whether to adopt or exclude illegally obtained real and documentary evidence or not in China,and make suggestions on how to establish concrete systems.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law