
夫妻关系“定势”与权力策略 被引量:51

“The Destined Trend” of Marital Relation and Power Tactics
摘要 Marital power is not a kind of outcome or share that can be got through resources exchange or gender norms. Instead, it takes the floating form of relation/events, regulates and decides family pattern. When using power tactics or operating power, people will act “naturally" according to the stock of knowledge at hand, as well as act expediently and creatively. The main forms of the power in marital interaction are various ways of controlling situational definition. In concrete, one could shape and maintain advantaged “marital relation formulary" or try to change to a better one via limiting scene, forming categories and problematizing others member qualification. This thesis aims at exploring some power tactics in various kinds of events, which happened in families during shaping, maintaining or changing the “marital relation formulary". Thus we could have a deeper and broader analysis in marital power during the marital interaction. Marital power is not a kind of outcome or share that can be got through resources exchange or gender norms. Instead, it takes the floating form of relation/events, regulates and decides family pattern. When using power tactics or operating power, people will act “naturally' according to the stock of knowledge at hand, as well as act expediently and creatively. The main forms of the power in marital interaction are various ways of controlling situational definition. In concrete, one could shape and maintain advantaged “marital relation formulary' or try to change to a better one via limiting scene, forming categories and problematizing others member qualification. This thesis aims at exploring some power tactics in various kinds of events, which happened in families during shaping, maintaining or changing the “marital relation formulary'. Thus we could have a deeper and broader analysis in marital power during the marital interaction.
出处 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期96-105,共10页 Sociological Studies
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