历史教学中运用多媒体技术有提升教师创新素质的价值 ,发挥学生学习主观能动性的价值 ,提高整体学生素质的价值 ,优化学生思想品德的价值。要达到最佳的教学效果 ,在制作时要有实用而简便的设计 ,科学性与艺术性相结合的构思 ;操作时要适时而有度及导、思、练恰当的相互结合。
The application of multi-media to history education has such values as improving the innovation quality of faculty,giving full scope to initiation and developing students' qualities and ethics.To achieve the best result,the following aspects should be taken into consideration:practical and convenient design with science and art combined;timely and proper operation;teaching arrangement with direction,reflection and practice.