元好问是金末伟大的诗人 ,元初文坛上一代宗师 ,他追求真诚自然 ,文、道合一的儒家诗教理论 ,形成“以诚为本”理论体系。这一理论的形成是民族文化交融 ,南北文学交汇的结晶 。
Yuan Haowen is the great poet and leading scholar in late Jin and early Yuan . He pursued the sincere and natural Confucian poetic theory combined with literature and doctrine .So it formed the theoretical system of taking honesty as foundation .The theory did not only embody the philosophy of 'keeping honesty and discarding heterodoxy', but also include the asthetic thoughts of the mean and harmonious beauty of Confucianism .The system was the product of national cultural mixture and Literature converging. It had an important guiding meaning to literature at that time and in Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasty.
Research of Chinese Literature