在经、史、子、集四部书籍中 ,周邦彦更多地采用史部中的典故以用事 ,袭用集部中的前代作家的字句以用辞 ,从而构成了他独特的文学背景。周邦彦在集部中特别钟情于赋和唐五代诗。在借用史部典故时 ,周邦彦往往把历史人物直接作为词语来使用 ,并通过词赋客、音律家、羁旅者等历史人物形象 。
In the four books of Jing?Shi?Zi?Ji, Zhou more frequently retold the stories recorded in the book of Shi to exemplify; Zhou quoted the phrases originally by former authors to illustrate. This is the unique feature of Zhou's literature background. He is pretty fond of using Fu and poem written in Tang Dynasty and Wu Dai Dynasty.When he quoted the stories from the book of Shi, Zhou often used the historical figure as a phrase. Therefore, historical figures look like the image of himself. In this way, he expressed himself directly or indirectly. This article is to discuss the illation of stories quoted by Zhou in his poem. The subjects would be illustrated as the author of poem, the master of melody or the restless traveler.
Research of Chinese Literature