针对女性更年期的特点 ,采用滋肾养肝法、滋肾养心法、滋肾柔肝法、补肾健脾法、滋肾疏风法、补肾活血法 ,治疗女性更年期综合征 ,疗效显著。说明补肾法在疗效上与雌激素疗法相似 ,但又无雌激素疗法的副作用 。
To aim at the characteristics of female climacteric syndromes,the methods of nourishing kidney and liver,nourishing kidney and heart,nourishing kidney and smoothing liver,nourishing kidney and spleen,nourishing kidney and dispelling wind evil,and strengthening kidney and activating blood were used to treat with female climacteric syndromes.The therapeutic efficiency was obvious.It indicates that the methods of strengthening kidney are similar to that of estrogen in therapeutic efficiency without side effects of the latter.
Journal of Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine