传感技术是现代信息社会的神经中枢,光纤传感则是一种新兴的现代传感技术,由于它具有灵敏度高、响应速度快以及抗干扰、抗各种恶劣条件等一系列优点而成为传感领域的姣姣者,因而在光学与光电子学科中占有重要地位。光纤传感划分为非功能型和功能型两大类:前者简单易行、无需特殊技术,因此巳被广泛研究,并有相当数量进入实用化;功能型传感则要求条件苛刻,多数仍处于研制阶段,但因其具有极高灵敏度,属于高性能传感类,故仍为光纤传感的主要发展方向。文中以表格形式概要列示了这两类光纤传感的基本状况,表明光纤传感有广泛应用前景。 光纤传感器今后的发展趋势是:加速光纤传感器的实用化进程;大力开展光纤传感技术的集成化研究;积极开展多功能光纤传感及其网络化研究,以及不断推出新型光纤传感器并开拓新的应用领域等。
Sensing technology is a Pivot of modern information society. As a new and developing technology, the optic-fiber sensing becomes handsome in transducer field because of its high sensitivity, fast responsibility, anti-interference and its resistance to the bad condition. Consequently, it occupied an important place in opt ics and opto-electronics. Optic-fiber sensors can be divided into both the non-fu-nct ional one and the functional one.The former is simple and has no need of special technique, thus it is developed widely and many of them have become practicable. While the requirements for functional sensors are quite harsh,most of them are still in research stage. But, they have exceedingly high sensitivity, that make them the main developing orientation. In this paper, the basic situation of these two kinds of opt ic-fiber sensors is listed in fables. It shows that the optic-fiber sensors have wide applied prospect.
The main developing trend is as follows: speed up the practical process; devote major effort to the integration of optic-fiber sensors; carry out the research of multifunctional optic-fiber sensor and its network;exploit novel optic-fiber sensors and open up new application fields.
Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
optic-fiber sensor, basic situation, type, developing trend.