本文简要介绍法国核电厂压水堆型核锅炉一回路设备的先进的在用检查技术所包括的各个方面: 1.在用检查的依据。 2.按照RSEM实施在用检查的步骤。 3.近期法国在用检查的研究动向。 4.核安全监督部门对在用检查文件的审评和实施的监督方面的职责。此外,作者对法国在用检查技术及其对我国的适用性提出了评价。
This paper brifly introduces all aspects of advanced in-service inspection technique which are used in primary loop's equipments of PWR nuclear power plant in Franch. It includes: (1)the basis of in-service inspection (2)the procedure of in-service inspection according to RSEM (3)the recent trend of research on in-service inspection in Franch (4)the role of Nuclear Safety Authority in the evaluation for the inservice inspection documents and in the surveillance for the implementation of the in-service inspection. In addition, this paper also gives some evaluations for the inservice inspection technique and its applicability in China.
Pressure Vessel Technology