
资源税与区域财政能力差距——联邦制国家的经验 被引量:13

摘要 各国的自然资源课税纷繁复杂,即使在同一个国家内不同的州,资源课税都不一样。同一个州内,对不同资源的课税,也各有不同。为简化描述,可以把现有的资源税形式归为三类:
作者 马珺
出处 《税务研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期62-63,共2页
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  • 1Robert F.Conrad, R.Bryce Hool, 1980, Taxation of Mineral Resources, Lexington Books,D.C.Health and Company Lexington,Massachusetts Toronto.
  • 2Charles E. McLure,Jr. and Peter Mieszkowski,(ed.). 1983. “Introduction: Taxation of Mineral Wealth and Interregional Conflicts”. In Charles E. McLure, Jr.(ed.)Fiscal Federalism and the Taxation of Natural Resources, Lexington Books, D.C Health and Company Lexington, Massachusetts, Toronto.
  • 3Peter Mieszkowski and Eric Toder, 1983. “Taxation of Energy Resources”. In Charles E. McLure,Jr.(ed.) Fiscal Federalism and the Taxation of Natural Resources,Lexington Books. D.C Health and ComDanv Lexington, Massachusetts, Toronto.
  • 4Charles E. McLure,Jr. and Peter Mieszkowski,(ed.). 1983. “Introduction: Taxation of Mineral Wealth and Interregional Conflicts”. In Charles E. McLure,Jr.(ed.)Fiscal Federalism and the Taxation of Natural Resources, Lexington Books, D.C Health and Company Lexington, Massachusetts, Toronto.
  • 5Robin Boadway and Frank Flatters, 1983. “Efficiency, Equity, and the Allocation of Resource Rents”. In Charles E. McLure,Jr.(ed.) Fiscal Federalism and the Taxation of Natural Resources, Lexinzton Books, D.C Health and Company Lexington, Massachusetts, Toronto.
  • 6Musgrave,R. A. 1983. “Who Should Tax, Where, and What?” in C. E. Jr. McLure, (ed.). Tax Assignment in Federal Countries. Canberra: Center for Research on Federal Financial Relations. Australian National University.




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