
管壳式换热器振动的诊断及预测 被引量:2

Diagnosis and Predication of Vibration for Tubular Heat Exchanger
摘要 根据 Lever 与 Weaver 的“流管”模型,本文利用非稳态流理论及复数解法,求解换热管的振动方程,可以确定换热器管束发生流体弹性振动时的临界流速。以质量阻尼与对比流速为参数作出的稳定区图,可用来诊断并预测管壳式换热器的振动。 Based on Lever's and Weaver's“tube-in-channel”model,the authors use the unsteady flow theory and complex method to solve the vibration equations of heat exchanger tube.Thereafter, the threshold of velocity associated with fluidelastic instability of tube can be determined.By means of stability area diagram,plotting dimensional mass-damping against dimensional reduced velocity,the diagnosis and predicaion of vibration in heat exchanger can be made.
机构地区 天津大学 天津碱厂
出处 《压力容器》 1992年第5期47-52,共6页 Pressure Vessel Technology
基金 天津市自然科学基金。
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