1 概述锅炉汽包是最重要的承压部件之一。汽包在运行中处于复杂载荷工况:汽水介质的内压力,起停过程中由瞬态温度场引起沿壁厚方向的温差,沿汽包圆周方向的温差,汽包支座或汽包吊杆的支反力,管系作用于汽包下降管口处的力和力矩等。
The detail transient temperature and stress fields of Boiler drum under various loads,such as internal pressure,differential temperature along the wall thickness and along the drum circumfer- ence,forces and moments acting on the down-coiner and reacting force of supporter,are analyzed by three dimention Finite Element Method.The results show that the previous estimation of ther- mal stress caused by transient temperature fields is too conservative.It may greatly speed-up the start-stop process of boiler.
Pressure Vessel Technology