The autbors took the progrosis of gold resources in the Baagbu area as an example and made a preliminary study on the way of metallogenic prognosis in covered or half-covered regions. The authors hold that the comprehensive interpretation and correlation of geological, geophysical, geochemical and remote sensing information are major means to discover the minerogenic laws of blind deposits.It is efficient way for predicting mineral resources by contrasting with models in covered regions that through adoption of 'Two times prognostic deposits' method, local statistical prognostic model is set up by diffusing of prognostic model from region to the work area step by step.The method discussed in the paper has good effects in predicting gold fields in the Bangbu area, Anhui province and is also generally significance in predicting other ore deposits in the western central regions where no thorough investigation is carried out.
minerogenic prognostic, covered regions, comprehensive information study method, gold deposits