2President Aleksander Kwasniewski, "Special Meeting of the North Atlantic Council with the Participation of Heads of State and Government", June 13, 2001.http://www. prezydent. pl/ser/erkindex, php3?tem_ID= 973 & kategoria= Archive.
3Bogdan Goralczyk, "Foreign Policy after the 2001 Parliamentary Elections", http://www. bbn. gov.pl/eng_ html.
7President Aleksander Kwasniewski, "President Aleksander Kwasniewski at the Ceremony of Endowing the Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy", July 18, 2002. http://www. prezydent. pl/ser/index. php3? tem-ID= 4567.
8"Meeting of the President of the USA and the President of the Republic of Poland, Plenary Session and Joint Statement by President George W. Bush and President Aleksander Kwasniewski", Website of President of the Republic of Poland, June 15, 2001.http.//www. prezydent.pl/ser/enindex, php3?tem, ID = 974 & kategoria = Archive.
9President Aleksander Kwasniewski, "Statement by President of the Republic of Poland Mr, Aleksander Kwasniewski", Website of President of the Republic of Poland, October 7, 2001. http.//www. prezydent. pl/ser/en_index, php3? tem_ID =989 & kategoria = Archive.
10"President of Poland Held a Telephone Conversation with the President of the USA", Website of President of the Republic of Poland, June 12, 2003.http.//www. prezydent. pl/ser/index.php3? tem_ID = 6008 &kategoria = Last % 20month.