伊拉克战争结束 ,萨达姆倒台 ,美国在军事上取得了胜利 ,政治上却面临困境 ,美国的软实力明显削弱。布什政府处于矛盾之中 ,一方面意欲维持霸主地位 ,一方面迫于国内外压力不得不做出某些策略性调整 ,即在继续信奉以实力为基础的单边主义同时 ,在可能的时间与地方不排除采用政治和外交的解决办法。
With the end of the Iraq War and the fall of Saddam Hussein, the United States won a military victory. Politically, however, the United States got into trouble and its soft power has obviously been weakened. The Bush Administration is in a dilemma. On the one hand, it wants to maintain its hegemonic position; on the other, under domestic and foreign pressure it has to make certain tactical adjustment. While still clinging to unilateralism on the basis of power, it will not rule out political and diplomatic solutions at possible times and in possible places.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies