
从“进攻”到“防御”——美国公共外交战略的角色变迁 被引量:20

From "Offensive" to "Defensive": The Role Change of American Public Diplomacy
摘要 公共外交是指一国政府对国外民众的外交形式 ,即“通过情报信息和交流项目引导国外民众和舆论制造者 ,以提高美国国家利益和战略目标的行动。”第二次世界大战后 ,它一直是美国对外政策和国家安全战略中的常设工具 :冷战期间成为进攻性的战略武器 ,为赢得冷战立下汗马功劳 ;冷战结束以后一度被打入冷宫 ,“9·11”事件后重新得宠 ,旨在解决“世界为何仇恨美国”的问题 ,实施对象重点放在阿拉伯与穆斯林世界 ,具有很强的防御性和应急性。但布什政府将“先发制人”与公共外交战略并重 ,发动“反恐”战争 ,将美国面临的挑战简单归结为与世界的沟通问题 ,兼之公共外交战略在操作上的文化差异 ,因而刚出茅庐即遇挫折实属情理之中。如何把危机公共外交转变为平时状态的公共外交战略 ,是今后美国政府面对的重大挑战。 Public diplomacy refers to a diplomatic form of the government of a country towards the public of other countries. During the Cold War period, it served as an offensive strategic weapon, making contribution to winning the Cold War. It was pushed aside for a while after the end of the Cold War but was picked up again after the Sept.11 attacks to deal with the problem of 'why they hate America.' The main target of public diplomacy is the Muslim world, and the diplomacy assumes a strong defensive and emergency feature. However, the Bush Administrations 'preemption' strategy is reducing the ineffectiveness in communicating with the rest of the world.
出处 《美国研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期74-86,共13页 The Chinese Journal of American Studies
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  • 5Jarol B, Manheirn, Strategic Public Diplomacy and American Foreign Policy : The Evolutionof Influence (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 47.
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  • 7Jeane Kirkpatrick. "Dictatorships and Double Standards," Commentary, November. 1979.pp. 34 45.
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