研究表明,每公顷用10%益舒丰颗粒剂30kg、5%涕灭威颗粒剂45 kg、98%毖速灭颗粒剂60 kg对花生根结线虫病的防治效果分别可达55.9%、63.8%、63.7%;施用益舒丰以播种沟撒施和花生墩间施用为好,施用该药剂的深度以10~15 cm为宜;采用深耕、增施有机肥(鸡粪)及轮作换茬、地膜覆盖栽培等措施,对防治花生根结线虫病也有明显效果。
The results of field tests showed that Mocap, aldicarb and dazomet were effective to control peanut root-knot nematode disease (Meloidogyne hapla ). The control effect of 55. 9%, 63. 7% and 63. 8% were got by utilizing Mocap 10% granule at 30 kg/ha, aldicarb 5% granule at 45 kg/ha and dazomet 98% granule at 60 kg/ha, respectively. The effective methods for using Mocap to control peanut nematode disease were to apply it either in furrow or between seeds under 10-15 cm depth. Deep tillage, utilizing chicken litter and using plastic film were benefit to control peanut root-knot disease.
Journal of Peanut Science