20世纪70年代后期以来,我们对巴蜀地区(原四川省)花生青枯病的分布及防治对策作了大量研究。发现该地区有花生青枯病发生,发病面积30 khm2左右、约占全国发病面积的10%;本项目明确了四川盆地南部的酸性红、黄壤土区是主要病区,其次是江河沿岸的老冲积黄壤和新冲积潮沙区土,在碳酸盐紫色土上尚未发现花生青枯病;明确了汞制剂、铜制剂、托布津等杀菌剂,和一般性轮作、深耕等农艺措施,对花生青枯病无有效防治作用,而抗病品种能有效地遏制花生青枯病蔓延为害,并筛选出一批抗病品种用于生产。
Distribution and control countermeasure of groundnut bacterial wilt (GBW) in Sichuan & Chongqing district had been studied since the late of 1970's. The distribution area for bacterial wilt was found in the district approximates 30,000 ha and accounted for 10% of national total area of the disease. The majority of the disease region located in the south of Sichuan Basin with acid red and loess soil. The subordinate region located in old alluvial yellow loam and new alluvial sandy soil in the coastwise of rivers. GBW wasn't found in the carbonate purple soil. The study demonstrated that varieties with resistance were effective in controlling the spread of bacterial wilt, while the bactericide such as hydrargyrum preparation, copper preparation and thiophana-tae-methyl, and the agronomic measures such as general rotation and deep plough were ineffective. Several varieties with resistance were identified and widely used.
Journal of Peanut Science