在阿兰·罗伯 格里耶小说中,"环"不仅表现为闪烁不定的意象,更包含着时间与罪孽的深层象征以及对世界的描述。时间与罪孽所共有的环形象征揭示出人的行动与时间,进而是人与物之间的复杂关系。罗伯 格里耶在此要求将人与物彼此分离,力图从认识论角度把握真正的现实,但他对世界的理解却最终是不可知的。总体看来,罗伯 格里耶对"环"的写法,从某种程度上也应合了他的小说历程。
In the novels of Alain RobbeGrillet, the image of 'circle' is used frequently and obscurely, which signifies time and evil and embodies his description of the world. This important image connoting time and evil reveals the complicated relationship between man in action and time, further speaking, the complicated relationship between man and object. RobbeGrillet insists on isolating man from object in order to perceive authentic reality in term of epistemology. Anyway, his understanding of the world turns out conversely to be knownothingism.
Journal of Sichuan International Studies University