
当代西方道德:挑战与出路 被引量:4

Contemporary Western Morality: Challenges and Promise
摘要 西方近代以来的道德观把伦理学理解为限制人们做事情的规条 ,而不是把它掌握为思考人们如何生活的基础 ,因而使人性处处受到困扰。当代道德哲学以激烈抨击康德伦理学为开端 ,展开了重新探寻新道德的努力 ,试图走出实在论时代对人性本质上分裂的形上学设定 ,在什么是真正的人性、什么是道德的真义、什么是道德的根本形态等问题上做出了新的探索。通过对人性的新诠释 ,提出道德的目标是弘扬生命 ,从而在人的生活展现中、在社会结构的公正设定中、在人的德性完善中 ,重新找到道德的真谛。 In the western countries, modern ethics has been regarded as the regulations to restrict human actions rather than the foundations for reflecting on the ways of our life. As a result, human nature is besetted everywhere. While radically criticizing Kantian Ethics, contemporary moral philosophers are exploring new dimensions for morality by casting off the metaphysical presupposition of the divergence of human nature in the realist era for morality by casting off the metaphysical presupposition of the divergence of human nature in the realist era, and probing on the problems like what is the true human nature, what is the true meaning of ethics, and what is the basic morphology of it. Through these new interpretations of the essence of human nature, contemporary western moral philosophers claim that the destination of morality is to improve human life; and the essence of morality could only be found in the expression of human life, in the institutional designing of social justice, and in the completing of human virtues and the like.
作者 高国希
机构地区 复旦大学伦理学
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第9期37-44,共8页 Academic Monthly
关键词 西方社会 道德 人性 康德 辛格 库比特 contemporary western morality, solar ethics, peter singer, don cupitt, virtue ethics movement
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  • 1Don Cupitt, The New Christian Ethics, SCM Press, 1988, p. 33.
  • 2Peter Singer, Unsanctifying Human Life, Blackwelt,Oxford, 2002, p. 343.
  • 3Don Cupitt, The New Christian Ethics, p. 9.
  • 4Stan van Hooft, Caring, An Essay in the philosophy of Ethics, University Press of Colorado, 1995, p. 1.
  • 5Peter Singer, How Are We to Live? Ethics in an Age of Self-Interest, Prometheus Books, 1995 p. 186.
  • 6Peter Singer, How Are We to Live? p. 186,183.
  • 7Don Cupitt, Solar Ethics, SCM Press, 1995, p9,9,8.
  • 8Don Cupitt, Rethinking Religion, Wellington, 1992, p.23.
  • 9Don Cupitt, Solar Ethics, p. 7,9.
  • 10Peter Singer, Unsanctifying Human Life, p. 326.


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