Editor' s note: In order to comprehensively lift the level of China' s opening policy,comrade Jiang Zemin,in his report to the 16lhnational congress of the Chinese Communist Party,pointed out that'To adapt to the new situation of economic globalization and China' s WTO entry,to participate in the economic and technological cooperation and competition of the world in a wider scope,more areas and at a higher level ,and'to implement our strategy to walk out ,are all the major steps taken in the nwe stage of our opening to the outside world,We should encourage and support enterprises of all types of ownership and with .comparative superiority to invest abroad to spur on export of labor services and to form a grout of really powerful transnational corporations and famous articles and trade marks.' To better comprehend this spirit of the l6th national congress of the Party,we selected this article by Prof.Lianzhong Li so as to deepen our understanding of it from one aspect.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences