上世纪初叶 ,鲁迅曾提出中国文化应“外不落后于世界先进之思潮 ,内不失固有之血脉”的命题 ,虽未引起学界长久的轰动效应 ,但却“预言”式地规划了此后的文化进向的大致格局。鲁迅偏重于“窃火于异域”改造“国民性”这一侧面 ,而当代新儒家则偏向于“不失固有之血脉”的侧面。这犹如一个硬币的两面 ,相反相成地构成了一个“合力” ,推动着发展着更新着中国文化在内忧外患的困境中蹒跚行进。回首百年历程 ,不难发现 ,这两个方面仍然存在于当下 :从上世纪的 80年代的“国学热”到今天的“西学热” ,展开了新一轮的互动。“中国哲学的合法性问题”讨论 ,是这一系统的反思、前瞻的一个文化子题。唐文明的文章 ,旨在探讨“合法性”之所以生成的历史背景 ,民族命运启动的心灵震撼生发出的重振华夏风采、摆脱“主奴困境”的“苦恼意识”的“自信”在文化上的表现。应该说 ,这暗含着恩格斯重释黑格尔“凡是合理的都是现实的 ,凡是现实的都是合理的”名言的积极意义 ,有启发性。但仅从作为个案承担者的冯友兰的文本价值祈向 ,也不难看到以缩影形式反射出的“启蒙与救亡”的复杂心态。当然 ,唐文只是一个个案 ,难以涵盖全体。而且就哲学所统属的知、情、意即认识论、美学、伦理学来看 ,并未全部遭遇“合法”
This paper is focused on the problem of legitimacy of “Chinese philosophy”. Modern research tradition of Chinese philosophy produced by Hu Shi, Feng Youlan etc. is very different from classical hermeneutics in ancient China. It means that a paradigm revolution or a methodological revolution takes place in the research field of ancient cultural thought. In hermeneutic sense, Chinese philosophy comes into being just through comparing with Western Philosophy. As a new hermeneutic project of Chinese traditional classics, modern Chinese philosophy is very important to our spiritual lives. Firstly, it is an authentic response to our historical situation and is claimed by our historical task. In the process of unequal communication with the Western countries, the need for the Western recognition is the result of our military failures and the loss of our cultural confidence. Modern Chinese philosophy is also a part of the struggle for recognition. Secondly, it is very important for us to construct Cultural China under the rationality of cultural pluralism.
Philosophical Research