

On Theoretical Integration of Theory of Mind Research and Its Preview on Development
摘要 从心理理论的研究范式、研究范畴以及理论解释这几个方面对心理理论研究的零散理论进行整合,建构心理理论的理论体系,以期对心理理论的研究有一个整体的认识。同时提出心理理论的各种研究范式的效度及其对研究结论的影响有待评估、研究对象和研究范畴还有待扩展、理论解释面临挑战、应用和实证研究有待加强以及有待于开辟如内隐社会认知在心理理论中的位置和关系、研究对象终身化等新的研究视角。 This papper tries to integrate separate theory of mind researches from the research paradigm in psychological theory, the research category and theoretical interpretation, and construct a theoretical system for theories of mind in order to have a complete understanding of the theory of mind research. Meanwhile the paper puts forward various result levels of research paradigm in theory of mind and evaluation about a potential impact on research conclusions, further expansion of research objects and categories, challenges of theoretical interpretation, further strengthening of application researches and example researches and cultivation of new research perspectives such as the position and relationship of implied social cognition in theory of mind,lifelong research objects, ect.
作者 陈寒 胡克祖
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第5期64-68,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 心理理论 理论体系 理论整合 述评 theory of mind theoretical system theoretical integration previews
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