
论《唐璜》对莎士比亚作品的引用 被引量:1

Byron's Allusions to Shakespear in Don Juan
摘要 从拜伦的创作中可以看出其与西方文学传统的密切联系,他尤其喜欢并善于从莎士比亚作品中吸取营养。拜伦常常以变形或曲解的形式运用莎典,以此丰富自己叙述文本的含义并激活读者对原始文本与在读文本的互文性理解。《唐璜》第六章在这方面具有典范意义。 We can notice that there was a close contact with the Western literary tradition in Byron's creations. More specially, Byron was interested in Shakespeare's works. He created additional levels of narrative and guided readers to make an intertextual comprehension by twisting Shakespeare. The sixth canto of Don Juan is a typical case.
出处 《娄底师专学报》 2003年第4期36-41,共6页 Journal of Loudi Teachers College
关键词 拜伦 《唐璜》 莎士比亚戏剧 西方文学 Byron Eton Juan Shakespeare's plays the western literature
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