1 "以事实为依据"原则的权威是建立在缺乏理性分析的信念之上。2 "案件事实"在司法领域和诉讼领域过程中是已经虚无化的存在。3 司法实践中实行的是"以证据为根据"的原则,但是,证据同"事实"本体有原则的区别。4 "以事实为依据"的原则是阻碍中国证据规则研究深入发展的重要因素之一。
(1)The authority of'Based on Fact'is built on the conviction lacked of rational analysis. (2)'Case-Fact'has always been a void existance in the process of lawsuit and judicature. (3)In the course of judicature.'Based on the Proof'is the main principle;However,proof has an essential difference with Fact from the noumenon itself .(4)'Based on Fact'is one of the main factors to hamper the profound research of'Proof Rule'in China.
Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Social Sciences)