The three debates, which has mattered much in the Hu Feng incident, have constituted three key factors for ideological turns in literature of the 1940s, therefore the Hu Feng incident can be interpreted as the collision between Hu Feng and ideological turns in literature. With ideological turns in literature starting from the debate on 'the issue of national style' in the early 1940s, the debate on national style was, for the Leftwing literary school in debate with Hu Feng, actually the process of the formation and development of Mao Zedong's literary theory system, which differentiated Hu Feng and his counterparts in the Leftwing literary school. Beginning from the antidogmatism movement cosponsored by Hu Feng and the 'gifted scholar group' in Chongqing in the mid1940s, sponsors of the 'subjective' debate, who had intended to echo the Yan'an rectification movement, had subconsciously collided with the movement due to their different academic and political ideology. They have, subsequently, become the targets of the Chongqing rectification movement. The criticisms in Hong Kong in 1947 and 1948 had not only publicized the criticism of Hu Feng by default in 1945 and 1946 but also symbolized the call for remolding and standardizing the ideology of literary and artistic movements in line with the literary and artistic pattern acceptable in the Yan'an rectification movement. The response by Hu Feng in the article ' On the Road for Realism' indicated the virtual futile appeal to him of ideology.
Hu Feng
the issue of national style
new literature and art
old style
Talks at the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art