
现代性:局限与价值——后现代话语与中国语境 被引量:4

Limits and Strengths of Modernity: Postmodern Discourse and Chinese Context
摘要 以西方启蒙运动为标志的现代性的内核,可以简要概括为理性。在利奥塔、福柯等法国后现代思想家看来,理性原则所包含的一元普遍性、总体性、理想主义等特征,及其可能产生的负面效应,必须引起警觉,予以矫正。基于对后现代主义的这一解读,现代性的理性原则并未破产。如果说,西方人身处现代性状态之际,对其所包含的"大而无当"倾向的矫枉之思,具有思想的真实性,那么,在当下中国的语境中,全力推进国家现代性转型乃为当务之急。 The core of modernity marked by the Enlightenment can be summed up as 'reason'. According to French postmodernist thinkers like Lyotard and Foucault, awareness must be raised of problematic characteristics of centralized universality, totality and idealism inherent in the principle of reason and their possible negative effects. According to this postmodernist interpretation, the principle of reason is not bankrupt. It is argued that if westerners think seriously and critically about their modernity's negative character such as 'grandiose but unpractical', it is high time we promoted modernity in contemporary Chinese context. 
作者 周建漳
机构地区 厦门大学哲学系
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期70-76,共7页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 现代性 启蒙 理性 后现代主义 modernity, enlightenment, reason, postmodernism
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  • 1(法)米歇尔·福柯(MichelFoucault)著,谢强,马月.知识考古学[M]三联书店,1998.
  • 2[德]康德 著,何兆武.历史理性批判文集[M]商务印书馆,1990.
  • 3[法]勒帕日 著,李燕生.美国新自由主义经济学[M]北京大学出版社,1985.




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