
论法理念之中西差异 被引量:2

On the Differences between Chinese and Western Idea of Law
摘要 中西方传统法理念的差异显而易见,西方法理念的核心及其重要特征:个体性、正义性和二元性;中国传统法理念则表现出群体本位性和追求无讼与和谐的价值取向。而且,中西民族之间某些看似相同的法理念也存在内在差异。自近代始,随着世界历史的发展,中西法理念又走向共生互补,因而,法理念的现代构建应当同时兼备民族精神与时代精神的品质。 There are obvious differences between the Chinese and western traditional idea of law The essence and characteristic of western idea of law embody in individuality, justice and dualism while those of Chinese traditional idea of law distinctly lie in collectivitymatrix and pursuit of nonsuit and harmony as its orientation of value In addition, there even exist inner differences in some seemingly identical idea of law between the Chinese and the western From modern times, with the history altering to the international history, the Chinese and western idea of law trends to be coexisting reciprocally Therefore, it should be possessed of both the spirit of nation and the spirit of epoch to construct modern idea of law
作者 曾凡跃
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第4期112-115,共4页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
基金 重庆市2001年哲学社会科学基金资助项目"法哲学视野中的人学探索"
关键词 法理念 中国 西方国家 个体性 正义性 二元性 群体本位性 无讼 和谐 idea of law the Chinese and the western national characteristic
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