目的 探讨慢性阻塞性肺病 (COPD)患者呼吸氦氧混合气 (He -O2 )后肺活量 (VC)及其组成补呼气容积 (ERV)和深吸气量 (IC)的变化与健康人的差异。方法 分别测定COPD组和对照组呼吸含氦 80 %、氧 2 0 %的He-O2 前后VC及其组成ERV和IC ,并对所取得的数据进行统计学处理。结果 两组间VC和ERV基础值及呼吸He-O2 后的测定值以及同组间呼吸He -O2 前后的VC和ERV皆呈显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) :在呼吸He -O2 前后的变化率方面 ,ERV和IC两种比较有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,VC的变化率就未见显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 COPD患者呼吸He -O2 后VC及其组成有健康人相类似的反应 ,不同的是ERV的增幅比率较健康人要大得多 ,这可能与COPD肺泡长期处于膨胀状态有关 ,但IC的减少率又比健康人要小 ,呼吸He -O2 后IC何以会减少以及COPD组与对照组间的变化率何以存在显著差异 ?原因未明 ,有待进一步研究。
Objective:To discuss the difference of vital capacity(VC), expiratory reserve volume(ERV) and inspiratory capacity(IC) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) patients and the normal subjects after breathing helium-oxygen mixtures (heliox).Methods:The data of VC, ERV and IC in COPD patients and the normal subjects before and after breathing heliox (80% helium/20% oxygen) were measured and statistically calculated.Results:There was significant difference (P<0.05) in the data of VC and ERV before and after breathing heliox both between the different groups and in the same groups. The rate of change between the two groups before and after breathing heliox was significantly different (P<0.05) in ERV and IC, but not in VC (P>0.05).Conclusions:Patients with COPD have similar change of VC and its components (ERV and IC) as the normal subjects after breathing heliox, but the increased rate of ERV is much higher, and this is possibly due to the chronic overexpansion of pulmonary alveolus. The decreased rate of IC is smaller in COPD patients than that in the normal subjects. The reason why IC reduces after breathing heliox and why there is significant difference in the rate of change between COPD patients and the normal subjects is still unknown, and needs more studies.
China Journal of Modern Medicine
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
vital capacity
helium-oxygen mixtures