The granite-greenstone terrain of 'Dongwufenzi Group'in the western Guyang area underwent four episodes of deformation during the period of late Archean to early Proterozoic.Kinking ia this area occurred under greenshist facies during the early Proterozoic and was mainly developed in foliated and mylonitic rocks. The uniclinal and asymmetric conjugate kinks can be due to the compression at an oblique angle of 30°r so with the layers(or foliations), and the formation of conjugate kinks was due to the compression parallel to the layers(or foliations). Transport, procipitation, and mineralization of hydrothermal solution forming gold deposit were intimately related to the activity of ductile shear zones,and therefore the locations where the kinking was superimposed on the ductile shear zones, and the sections were emplaced by the potassic granite are the favourable tectonic posi-ton in searching for gold deposits.
kink band, uniclinal kink, conjugated kink, ductile shear zone